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Saturday, April 17, 2021


One of my contacts said:
"Lots of Secret Service moving around the White House today. The media story is that actor Joe is in Delaware."
I doubt the moving around is being done by our corrupt politicians; I believe most of them were removed some time ago.

My friends, for years satanic ritual parties were being held in the tunnels right under the White House and Capitol. Children were being tortured and killed (and eaten).

I have a map of all the tunnels in the U.S. that the military has been rescuing people from for quite some time now.

You won't believe it, but the tunnels go right across New York State and up to the Great Lakes. I was told that Hunter Biden frequented Utica, NY looking for call girls. Seems funny, of all places. he would visit our area; I wonder if he hung out with anyone from here?

Anyway, some clues have been provided to me as to what is happening in D.C. today, but nothing is confirmed. I will report as soon as I get credible information.

I can confirm that one thing has changed in our country...the BLM and Antifa rioters are not being treated with open arms...they are being met by members of the National Guard carrying guns.

Look how willing these homegrown terrorists are to cooperate when a gun is pointed in their direction. This is in Minneapolis last night:

Sure doesn't look like Biden or BidAn or Harris are the ones in charge any more! These left-wing paid terrorists are probably changing their underwear and making calls to Mommy today!

Richard Citizen Journalist has been sending some very interesting videos of Washington D.C. I will try to get some of Richard's videos posted tomorrow.

Funny, fake news media was reporting riots in Washington, D.C. last night; Richard spent time traveling around the city, but he couldn't find any rioters.

It seems strange that the news would report something that isn't happening; guess that's why they are known as fake news! I suspect they didn't want to show the fact that the National Guard were in charge so they showed some older videos of riots when the liberals were in charge. I wonder how many of the fake news media satanists will be left to report any news once everything is done?
Can you believe that Marilyn Monroe is still alive? That reminds me, anyone had a real face to face with Andy Cuomo or Chucky Schumer lately? Asking for a friend.

Stay tuned...the best is yet to come!

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