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Monday, April 26, 2021

My friends, this is "BIGLY"

Listen to the video:

The 1500 mile tunnel from the Vatican to Jerusalem.

There was more gold than you can imagine found in the tunnel under the Vatican City. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem.

The actual direct flight distance is 1,432.90 miles (2,306.03 kms).

The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water.

Source:,underneath%20both%20land%20and%20water @TruthGiver1776

On December 21, 2017...

...President Trump signed an Executive Order which declared a national emergency regarding serious human rights abuses. It allows the US Treasury Department to seize the assets of persons involved in serious human rights abuses or corruptions which is rampant in Hollywood and among members of our government.

When government officials are involved in corrupt practices, it allows them to be blackmailed. This may explain why some government officials act contrary to the public's best interest.

If our Senators and Congressmen are being blackmailed, it is a threat to our national security.

Seizing assets is a way to provide some justice for victims and our country.

How many rich people have you heard about committing crimes and getting off with a free pass? They just pay a fine, which is nothing to them, and go their merry way.

Taking away the assets of the Global Cabal takes away their power.

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