New Hartford NY Online is back!

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

A word or two from...

...General Michael Flynn:

You just heard it from General Michael Flynn...we are now a Republic!

What does that mean?

That means that we are now a government of the people; not of the cabal who try to manipulate us and control us for their own benefit.

I decided to use DuckDuckGo to try to find a rather simplistic explanation of a Constitutional Republic.

Here is some excerpts taken from websites I found:
What is America? A Republic? A Democracy? An Oligarchy? A Plutocracy? A Theocracy?

"I’m not sure what America’s form of government is anymore but, it is definitely not a democracy. A Democracy provides every legal citizen of a certain age with the free and equal right to participate in a system of government that elects representatives of the people by the majority of the people, who promise to do the will of the people."

"A Republic is a form of government in which power resides with the people, and the government is ruled by elected leaders who govern according to laws designed to help citizens. If we believe this definition, then we are not a Republic because our elected leaders no longer rule by law or by what their constituents want. Instead, our officials rule by the wishes of corporations and billionaires."


Democracy vs a Republic Perfectly Explained For Dummies

"There’s a reason why the American founders created a republic, and not a democracy. Republics are the best form of government for protecting the individual from the tyranny of the majority. And there most certainly is a tyranny of the majority that always manifests in democratic style systems."

"A republic is different though, and it operates for the protection of the individual against the majority when they get out of control. It is very important to protect the rights of the individual in a political system, for that is how governments are limited in their power and scope."

"In republican governments, the polity is governed by a written constitution that safeguards certain rights against tyrannical majorities. There are separations of power, courts, and layers of government to ensure that knee-jerk reactions do not become law."

"This is the fundamental difference between a republic and a democracy: a republic protects you from arbitrary power, a democracy is nothing but arbitrary power."

So essentially, a republic is by the people for the people. Let's relate this back to New Hartford, N.Y. run by people who seem to forget who put them in office.

If you were reading New Hartford NY Online, you should know by now that our current government is corrupt and they have no intentions of changing. It's very true, power certainly does corrupt in our town.

More recently, for instance...

On March 16, 2021, I sent a FOIL request to the town clerk's office:
It is my understanding that on the evening of February 10, 2021, the town board adopted a local law to amend the town’s current solar energy law. Therefore, I would like to FOIL:

• A dated copy of the amended law that was presented to the town board

• A copy of the town board resolution setting a date for the Public Hearing

• A copy of the Planning Board report to the town board regarding said proposed local law

• A copy of the Public Hearing notice as it appeared in the Observer Dispatch

• A copy of the town board resolution adopting the amended solar law

• A copy of the filing of the amended solar law which was sent to the New York State Department of State (Secretary of State)

Please send this information to me electronically.

As afforded me under the Freedom of Information Law, Section 89(3)(a), I am requesting certification to the fact that any and all information provided to me is a correct copy and/or any information not provided to me is because the town does not have possession of such record or that such record cannot be found after diligent search.”
The request was for current information, yet, to date, all I have received is a seven page document, with no date, that has been identified as the new solar law. Almost a month later, they have been unable or unwilling to provide any further infomation or provide me with the requested certification that nothing exists.

Should I believe that they adopted a seven page document without ever running it by the people for comment as required by law? If so, I would probably have to believe that it was just more convenient for Miscione to push the legislation through so he can start the process of retaining someone he knows to put up a couple of solar farms.

Word to the wise though, if I was Miscione, I would start researching Nikola Tesla and his work on "free energy" before investing too much taxpayer money on solar; I believe Mr. Tesla's work is going to make solar energy obsolete very soon or so I have been told.

I actually have an old FOILed document regarding Mr. Tesla; the FOIL request was made by none other than John Trump...Donald Trump's father. I do believe that Donald is on board with this...just saying!

I love Donald Trump because he loves talking directly to the people! What a refreshing change we are all about to witness!

One last note, soon I plan to create a new blog with all the old bullshit that Miscione probably hopes you might forget in this his re- election year.

Oh, and by the way, here's a couple more things General Flynn wants everyone to know:

Both videos were recorded at the "2021 Spring Conference of the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Officers Association" on April 12th.

Stay tuned!

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