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Monday, April 19, 2021

What is going on in D.C. tonight....

Tonight, April 19, 2021, Patriots Day, nonetheless, Richard Citizen Journalist just sent a video with police all over parts of Washington D.C. Richard tried to find out why, but the police would not give any clues. Why would a bunch of public servants be standing around instead of patrolling? What were they expecting to happen; another pretend riot?

According to Richard,
"Why? What are all these police staged here? The whole city which is empty and is crawling with police tonight why? More video to come on this shortly."

Another incident happened at the beginning of April, Richard sent us a video in which the police seemed to be rather quick to put Richard in handcuffs for no apparent reason other than they didn't like him asking questions and making statements regarding their not wearing masks as mandated by Biden. The charge they said was for being disrespectful; guess the First Amendment only protects you if you are being nice and not asking questions. They all know Richard; he has been videotaping for almost a year. Apparently, someone in D.C. doesn't like the truth being recorded!

Below is the video we received on the afternoon of April 2, 2021:

A couple of hours later, Richard sent this message:
Just checking in.

For the record, I was detained in cuffs for well over an hour- I was NOT arrested.

Months have passed, where most of you don't know, that the harrassment I've experienced in D.C. has been very real. IE: Followed, Harrassed, Vehicles Impounded, and much much much more... yet I am still on this mission to report the TRUTH in D.C. and beyond.

I truly appreciate all of your support, loyalty and your prayers.

For those who think I was disrespectful - I suggest you pick up a camera, put your own boots on the ground and join me here - deep in the swamp, in my fight for truth for our Country.

My Freedom of Speech was completely stripped yesterday, if you find that acceptable you don't belong here.

I thought the police were extending the capitol perimeter when I encountered them saluting just after the event. Things happen quick here. I rarely know what’s happening prior to me encountering it.
What is going on in D.C.? Who are they protecting...what don't they want reported? Who is giving the orders to go after Richard? This is in America; it is absolutely disgraceful! They are giving police a bad name!

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