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Saturday, May 1, 2021

Pfizer Officially Admits Experimental mRNA Trial Subjects Are Super Spreaders That Viral Shed, A Method of Genetic Biowarfare

We are in a biological war, my friends, and have been for more than a year...

🔍 "As of April 28, 2021 Pfizer had openly admitted that their experimental mRNA BioNTech injections were guilty of viral shedding, conveniently coined "occupational exposure" in their clinical study. Therefore this technology is immorally vaccinating the unknowing unvaccinated populations that make unplanned contact with the mRNA injected/vaccinated. This is a blatant violation of the Nuremberg Code (1947) and is further evidence that experimental mRNA injections for COVID are in fact genetic biowarfare. This comes straight out of the Pfizer BioNTech study (PF-07302048) titled 'A Phase 1/2/3 Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals.'"

🔍 "To clarify the quotation from the study in laymen's terms, an occupational exposure (viral shedding) occurs when an individual comes in contact with an injected mRNA trial test subject (a super spreader) which likely results in the occurrence of adverse effects for unvaccinated individuals. These adverse effects caused by viral shedding are strictly being reported on VAERS and not within any clinical mRNA studies as the information does not pertain to a participant enrolled in the study. In conclusion, we now have direct official confirmation from Pfizer to stay away from the "vaxxed" mRNA injected individuals as they are the true super spreaders and conspiracists worldwide are once again vindicated."<

The Adverse Effects of Experimental Messenger RNA (mRNA) "Vaccines" a.k.a. Injections For COVID-19

"The first and foremost point to be made here is that messenger RNA (mRNA) "vaccines" are not legally vaccines at all according to the CDC official definition. The FDA granted “emergency use authorization” for these vaccines (herein “mRNA injections”) because they are unlike conventional vaccines and is required by law to be granted only if there are no effective treatments for COVID-19 (which there are). The moment the "national emergency" that is COVID-19 is called off or an alternate treatment..." [follow the link below to continue reading]
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🔍 "The Adverse Effects of Experimental Messenger RNA (mRNA) "Vaccines" a.k.a. Injections For COVID-19"

Time to wake up and demand accountability from elected officials!! Time for the fearmongering by our elected officials to end!!

I already reported on the Nuremburg Code in this blog...Who is driving this COVID train?

Cuomo; Miscione; and Picente got some explaining to do. They are out there pushing an experimental vaccine; either they knew what they were doing; the benefits promised to them outweighed their need to question; or they are just plain incompetent and need to be removed.

"We didn't know" is an excuse that cannot be accepted!

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