"Geert Vanden Bossche received his DVM from the University of Ghent, Belgium, and his PhD degree in Virology from the University of Hohenheim, Germany. He held adjunct faculty appointments at universities in Belgium and Germany. After his career in Academia, Geert joined several vaccine companies (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals) to serve various roles in vaccine R&D as well as in late vaccine development. Geert then moved on to join the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery team in Seattle (USA) as Senior Program Officer; he then worked with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in Geneva as Senior Ebola Program Manager."
I recommend listening to the video above, but here's a synopsis for those who don't like to spend very much time viewing facts because they are too busy: This is called DEPOPULATION...killing of the older population; the infirmed; the unwanted people who are a drag on the society according to the cabal. WAKE UP...Germany comes to mind folks! Think this isn't real; you are living under a rock!
Here's Tucker regarding information found in the VAERS database:
What is VAERS?
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [clickable link to check out for yourself]
"Established in 1990, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines. VAERS is co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). VAERS accepts and analyzes reports of adverse events (possible side effects) after a person has received a vaccination. Anyone can report an adverse event to VAERS. Healthcare professionals are required to report certain adverse events and vaccine manufacturers are required to report all adverse events that come to their attention."VAERS is a searchable database that is menu-driven that is available for use by the public.
The UK also has a separate reporting system called Yellow Card. Here is a pdf I received of the report for the first 19 weeks of 2021 ending April 21, 2021.
In an article republished from Nakim.org, the following was presented indicating orders of magnitude increases in death rates during the 5-week long vaccination process analyzed in Israel, as compared to the unvaccinated and those after completing the vaccination process.
Republished from Nakim.org
Seriously, if all this information and more is available online, why are our elected leaders still pushing these vaccines on everyone; plus now they are going after our children? What is in it for Cuomo; Picente; and Miscione?
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