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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The More You Know...

...different types of chronophilia. Chronophilia means an age-based sexual attraction.

"The word "pedophile" means a person who desires children under 12 (that is, has not hit puberty), but most people nowadays use it completely wrong. They use it to refer all situations where a much older person has sex (rapes) with a young person."
"Nepiophilia is attraction infants and toddlers (age 0-3). It s a sub-type of pedophilia."

"Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty (0-12)."

"Hebephilia is attraction to children who are in the midst of puberty (11-15)."

"Ephebophilia is attraction to late-puberty."

"Teleiophilia is attraction to adults. That is, this is the word for a "normal" person who is attracted to other adults close to their age."

"Gerontophilia is the attraction to elderly people. It's considered sort of a fetishistic impulse."

In Joe Biden's case; he is into pedophilia...

Wow, this little boy appears to be deathly afraid of Uncle Joe! I wonder why?

Looks like we have a "two-fer" here. Nancy Pelosi's son has pictures on Hunter Biden's laptop..(two for the price of one). Oh, the games that some politicians and their friends like to play!

While we are on the topic...

Here is a picture of Mark Zuckerberg, "an American media magnate, internet entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He is known for co-founding Facebook, Inc. and serves as its chairman, chief executive officer, and controlling shareholder."

Yeah, that's Mark Zuckerberg... who is connected to Facebook, that social media site where you and your children like to post all kinds of pictures and other personal information.

Apparently, he is also into some sort of "chronophilia". He pleasures himself by drinking the blood (adrenochrome) of his child victims. He is pictured here on Jeffrey Epstein's Island; he is one of many who are on the 'Lolita Express' flight logs...

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