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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Booming news friends!

It is official. The United States Senate today announced:
The media is covering up the truth...Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Media, the World Health Organization and other traitors will be all held accountable.
We were being played...all so that the Democrats and RINOs could change election laws without approval of the legislature in several states because winning the 2020 election, even if it meant cheating, was more important than protecting the American people.

Cuomo is part of the cabal and I suspect he will be held accountable for his tyrannical executive orders plus any other crimes he is involved with.

Picente and Miscione never questioned the reasoning behind shuttering our businesses; pushing experimental vaccines that have been proven to be harmful to many [and perhaps there are more side affects yet to be detected from these "experimental" vaccines]; social distancing; closing our schools and the mandating of masks which studies have shown caused a significant increase in suicides in our young people.

All elected officials need to be held accountable; they seem to have lost their way! Perhaps it is time to show them the door!

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