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Thursday, June 3, 2021

Fauci and Zuckerberg are focked...

Free Speech 🐸 MaxX1News​ writes (the italized words):
"Mark Zuckerberg has committed $350 million to create an effective two-tier electoral system disproportionately beneficial to Democrats. At the same time, Zuckerberg wrote to Dr. Fauci on March 15, 2020: 'I would also like to share some ideas on how we could help you get your message across.'"
"First, this is an extremely frank message, indicating collusion between Big Tech and Big Pharma.

Second, Facebook censored scholarly discussions and pushed for nationwide lockdowns that worked hand-in-hand with electoral law changes introduced by Zuckerberg CTCL foundations across the country."

"Third, note the redacted portion of Zuckerberg's--Fauci proposal, categorized b (4) which is code for 'trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person (who is) privileged or confidential.'"
Here are two more emails regarding Zuckerberg: One from Fauci to Zuckerberg dated March 17, 2020 thanking him for his "note":

One from Fauci to a Courtney Billet and several others at the NIH/NIAD...Subject: Offer from Mark Zuckerberg:

Here is a pdf containing the three emails referenced above; you will be able to see the b (4) designation better in the larger pdf view. I have been told that the statements are redacted because they will be used as part of a criminal case.

Anyone wonder why Zucker and his "fact checkers" put "fact check" notes on Facebook posts that speak the truth to include mine?

They all thought they would never get caught because the cabal was in charge to protect these bastards; they thought we were all too stupid to see through their plan to control the world.

I wonder how Zuck feels about censoring the truth now? Asking for a friend!

If you trusted Fauci during COVID and you aren’t questioning EVERYTHING you thought you knew after the #FauciEmails release, then you never wanted to know the truth, you just want to be controlled!

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