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Monday, June 21, 2021

Barry Soetaro and T.D.S. (Trump Derangement Syndrome)

In 2011, long before he ran for office, Donald Trump tried to tell everyone that Barack Obama was not a natural born citizen and was not qualified to take the office of the President.

No one was interested...that was the start of T.D.S. President Trump was constantly ridiculed by the fake news media; members of the cabal; RINOs; and many Republicans including some who now believe that Trump is the greatest President of our lifetime.

Shortly, everyone will know just what Donald J. Trump has done to save us all.

Here is a video showing proof that President Trump was correct; even Barack and Michelle (aka Michael) made several slip-ups admitting to the fact that Obama is a Muslim from Kenya.

My friends, it is time to wake up and know your enemies; Donald J. Trump is not your enemy!

So now, here we are with a "fake" President that has been selling us to the Ukraine and China for many years; who clearly has severe mental acuity problems; and on top of that, is a pedophile. His daughter's diary even acknowledges that he molested her as a child.

Plus, we have a Vice President who is a man dressed as a woman; and like Obama is not a natural born citizen, and can never be President.

Both of these traitors are playing the part of President and Vice President in a Castle Rock Studio located outside of Washington, D.C. 

What do you have to say about that, Kamala?

Good Grief!

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