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Monday, March 8, 2021

Scary Horned Man at the Capitol...

We all probably saw Jacob Chansley's picture (the horned man) plastered in the news media shortly after the January 6th deadly attack on the Capitol. The Fake News Media...CNN; Fox News; MSNBC; ABC; CBS and all the rest of them quickly reported on Jacob.

The headline for the CBS online article detailing their 60 Minutes interview called him "QAnon Shaman" accusing him of an attack on our nation.

QANON? What proof did they have that he was a QANON? Is he a card-carrying member or something? Is QANON even a real thing?

Of course, Jake denied their baseless accusations:
"No, they were not, ma'am. My actions were not an attack on this country. That is incorrect. That is inaccurate, entirely," Jacob Chansley said in an excerpt from the interview that aired on "CBS This Morning." Video allegedly showed Chansley on the Senate floor during the insurrection, bare-chested and wearing a fur helmet with horns. He was arrested shortly after and now faces up to 20 years behind bars."
In the CBS article, Jake continued to defend himself:
"Describing his actions on January 6, Chansley said, "Well, I sang a song. And that's a part of shamanism. It's about-- creating positive vibrations in a sacred chamber. I also stopped people from stealing and vandalizing that sacred space, the Senate. Okay? I actually stopped somebody from stealing muffins out of the-- out of the break room. And I also said a prayer in that sacred chamber. Because it was my intention to bring divinity, and to bring God back into the Senate."
The video of Jacob terrorizing the Capitol does not seem to be included in the CBS online news article referenced above, but I just happen to have a copy of what I will call "Jacob Day at the Capitol":

Videos don't lie; Jacob looks completely harmless to me. To say he was attacking our nation seems to be somewhat of a stretch.

Other than the look of distress in the picture taken in the hall (must of been taken by someone else who was at the Capitol because it doesn't look like a selfie), Jacob doesn't look like he means any harm. I can't help but wonder did the FAKE NEWS MEDIA just single out Jacob because his picture would make a good story?

I actually saw many more intimidating characters in the Capitol that day as I watched on television. Persons such as John Sullivan, the person that news media paid thousands of dollars for the video he took during the "riot".

I did a little research and I believe that I found the cause of Jacob's angst:

Apparently, in the mad rush to escape this terrible attack, one of the members of the House dropped a lego in the halls of the Capitol and you guessed it, Jacob stepped on it. Ever step on a hurts!

If there is a moral to this story, it would be one that the Fake News Media should keep in mind because when they find out who Jacob really is, they will look like the complete idiots that they are...investigative journalism is dead in our country, folks!

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