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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Are you sitting down?

Barack Hussein Obama is not an American citizen...he was born in Kenya. The American people actually elected a foreign-born con man to be President of the United States, not once but twice!

The deep state did quite a job on the American people; they made Donald Trump look like he was a conspiracy theorist and a racist even before he announced that he would run for President in the 2016 elecction.

They have continued that mantra ever since inciting a hatred of Donald Trump in order to continue their lies and deceit, but the Deep State was no match for Donald Trump; our President is brilliant!

A little known fact is that George H.W. Bush left an envelope to be opened by each traitor in attendance at his funeral..."They have it all!" "I am sorry!"

I will share the video of those traitors reading the note on another blog; their faces say it all...they knew then and there they were screwed!

By the way, George H.W. Bush and John McCain did not die of cancer or old age! They both died as traitors after military tribunals were held!

Listen to Judge Joe Brown explain who Barrack aka Barry Soetoro is and who his stepfather was:

Oh yes, the Bush family has been involved going back a long, long time. They are actually of German descent; they changed their name to Bush, but I will get back to that in another blog.

Look at this meme with the details of Barack Obama:

Barack (Barry) was born in Kenya and moved to Indonesia when his mother remarried. He was adopted by his stepfather; went to school in Indonesia; and it looks like Barry attended Columbia University as a foreign student.

Here is a video that goes into great detail about Barack aka Barry Soetoro:

Don't want to take the time to watch the above video or you prefer to sit back and just call me a conspiracy about taking about 24 seconds to let Barack tell you himself...

I have to ask, if Biden is no longer alive and Jim Carrey, an actor, is wearing a mask to pretend to be President Biden, who is making the calls that are hurting Americans?


Everyone has to wake up to some pretty rough information coming your way! Now is not the time to sit on your ass!

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