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Saturday, March 20, 2021

Let freedom ring....

On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was stop him from reaching one of his return the United States to the gold standard.

Fast Forward to September 11, 2001:

When the Towers were demolished in New York (9/11), it was all a cover so the Bushes, Cheneys, and Rumsfields could get the gold bars stored under Building 7 removed.

The operation is what is known as a "false flag":
"an attack or other hostile action that obscures the identity of the participants carrying out the action while implicating another group or nation as the perpetrator"
The gold that was "under the roof" of the CIA and the FBI in Building 7 was intended to return our country to the gold standard; they (some members of our own government) didn't want that goal to be accomplished.

The "terrorist attack" on the Pentagon that same day (9/11) concerned the naval aspect; the Pentagon was where the documentation concerning the gold and its use in the new financial system was stored.

The Navy has always been the closest to the people. And now the whole army is much closer to the people.

One of the reasons why the Deep State has been so eager to remove President Trump by any means necessary is precisely because "they" know he wants to bring us back to the gold standard.

So, now you know part of the story regarding the Twin Towers. You also now know part of the reason why President Trump is considered a threat by the cabal.

P.S.  John F. Kennedy, Sr. survived that day, November 22, 1963. He actually died of a stroke on January 26, 2021. May he rest in peace!

The sad part is that John F. Kennedy, Sr. died just weeks short of seeing his goal of returning the United States to the gold standard become a reality. However, ALL his children and grandchildren will see his "dream" carried out and so will all of us!

Just wait and see...the best is yet to come!!

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