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Monday, August 16, 2021

A day in the life of Benito Skinner – better known by his stage name Benny Drama...

Tom MacDonald - -Brainwashed

The first part of the above video is part of an actual Fox News story reporting on a video posted by a Tik Tok influencer hired by the White House (no kidding)...

Biden White House recruits TikTok influencer Benny Drama for eyebrow-raising vaccine video

Fox News states:
The video, posted to Instagram on Monday, casts Benito Skinner – better known by his stage name Benny Drama – as a young, hip White House intern named Kooper who works for press secretary Jen Psaki.
Sick humor about Biden's "castastrophic virus plan-demic"...gets to you every time, doesn't it? How many rushed out to get the "experimental jab" after watching that video?

The actual Instagram video your tax dollars were used to pay for is available in the Fox News article referenced above.

After you get through watching the "dumbing down of America" part of the video, the rest of the video by Tom MacDonald shows some factual information (which you will never see on the fake news media) about things going on behind our backs.

Now, for a Public Service Announcement from Arnie:

Arnie Schwarzenegger, that is:

Did he just say screw your freedoms?

Whoa, pretty rich coming from someone who seems to enjoy his own freedoms!

Hey, in the middle seat...isn't that Alexander Vindman who made the opening statement to a closed session of the House Intelligence Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee, and House Oversight Committee during the first unsuccessful impeachment trial of President Donald Trump in October 2019 who later retired using accusations against President Trump as a bogus reason for said retirement?

It figures that the two are friends.

Do as I say; not as I do

On August 13, 2021, The Daily Mail published some pictures and videos in a news article:
Arnold Schwarzenegger lives the high life as he keeps a cigar in his mouth while leaving a hair salon with his friends in Beverly Hills

The 74-year-old actor appeared to be living the high life as he kept a cigar in his mouth while chatting with his pals before hopping into the driver's seat of his custom-made Hummer.

The Terminator star's outing comes not long after he penned an essay to express his views about wearing a mask amid the ongoing state of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here's Arnie and his friends with no mask:

Pay attention...all that glitters is not gold!

Anyone seen the "real" Arnie lately, (in person, without an ankle monitor, that is!)? Asking for a friend...

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