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Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Planned Parenthood...

...EXPOSED (2013)

QR Archive - Published May 3, 2022

"Although the likes of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Bill Gates are happy to sing its praises (or perhaps because they are), Planned Parenthood has a racist eugenicist past that it would prefer to sweep under the rug. The bigger problem for the organization, though, is that the past isn't over and the public is beginning to discover the real driving force behind this globalist institution. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we pull back the curtain and expose Margaret Sanger's monstrous offspring: Planned Parenthood."

AKA Jane Roe is a portrait of Norma McCorvey, the “Jane Roe” whose unwanted pregnancy led to the 1973 case that legalized abortion nationwide, Roe v. Wade. Considered too divisive and unpredictable by many in the pro-choice movement, McCorvey stunned the world in 1995 when she switched sides to crusade against her own case, as an anti-abortion firebrand.

AKA Jane Roe Deathbed Confession Highlight - Published May 25, 2020

MSNBC analyst says he wants to cry over not being able to murder babies nationwide


For anyone who wants to cry regarding the Supreme Court "draft" decision, you should read the decision instead of listening to the politicians; movie stars; and fake news media ranting.

Don't forget they have an agenda...depopulation of the "deplorables" and a need for baby parts to continue their satanic experiments.

The court decision actually leaves it up to each individual state to set their own laws for abortion.

Let's also keep in mind that Chief Justice John Roberts is compromised and owes his allegiance to the cabal!

Makes one wonder if the leak is the plan...

By now you know all about the unprecedented leaked draft written by Supreme Court Justice Alito which clearly holds for the overturning of Roe v Wade.

This leak is a strategy by the left. It is designed to destroy yet another American institution, the Supreme Court.

This move diverts everyone from the many issues important in the Midterm elections, to make it all about ONE issue. It takes attention away from the record failures of the Biden Regime, the evidence coming out about the fraudulent 2020 election, and the billions being sent by the left to Ukraine while our border stands open.

The left has nothing worthwhile or remotely positive to run on to gain votes. So, they have done the unthinkable and thrown the abortion card to cause chaos.

We will not be side tracked by this ploy. We will watch this evolving situation closely.

They will spend any amount to make the next election about abortion.

According to the DAILY WIRE
Planned Parenthood, Other Pro-Abortion Groups To Spend $150 Million On Midterms

QUOTE: Planned Parenthood Action Fund and other major pro-abortion groups are investing $150 million toward the 2022 midterm elections nationwide.

Planned Parenthood Action Fund, along with NARAL Pro-Choice America and EMILY's List, are targeting the political funding into paid ads and other initiatives across nine states, including Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, California, Kansas, and Wisconsin.

Six of the nine states include competitive Senate races, according to Politico.

Alexis McGill Johnson, president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, claimed the plan serves as "a warning" to pro-life candidates.

"Let this be a warning to the out-of-touch politicians standing in the way of our reproductive freedom: People are watching. People are furious. And this November, the people will vote you out," Johnson said in a statement shared with Politico.

By the way, China has been testing an artificial growth system for embryos since the beginning of the year.

Special nanny robots will monitor their development in incubators. This means that very soon the first artificial children will be born.

A utopian future is approaching at a tremendous pace. It can no longer be ignored.

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President Ronald Reagan - "I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born."


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