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Monday, May 16, 2022

Kashel Patel Answers Questions...

Kash Patel: “Accountability comes in the form of indictments, yeah. It’s the best way. Sending someone to prison is awesome, especially when they’re a criminal.


When people tell me that justice has taken too long or that it's too late I understand their frustration and anguish but I cannot agree at the same time.

Hypothetically, if Trump had initiated the storm pre Biden 2020 we would have seen riots across the land, we would have seen perhaps even a civil war.

To be frank: The world was not ready.

The sheep were not even close to being red pilled.

With Biden purposely dropping red pills for 2 straight years now, so obvious, that even some of the most dense can feel and see the truth...the world inches closer to the day when we can birth the true justice phase.

Everything is being set up for a beautiful new world if you look in the right places.

Yes, it does appear very bad in many ways, but the system was always doomed to fail. We are actually being rebirthed. We are not dying.

You have to understand that and make sure to focus on these things in order to stay sane in this transition. Cause that's exactly what we are going through. A cleansing transition into a world without the satanic cabal.

Where their power is suddenly taken away.

Lastly, none of the clandestine operations could have been carried out under Trump.

Putin could not have stopped the biolabs, the financial system could not have prepared for transition, and normal sane people had to see how bad the future could have been underneath the leadership of deep state puppets.

Take heart knowing that the Great Awakening is far from over and our future has a season of justice in it. Kash knows this. And more importantly, God has planned it.

Forwarded from - Pepe Lives Matter 🐸

My friends,

Trust the Plan...we can do this.

I have been proud to serve as a Patriot bringing you the truth for over a year and a half.

I know that some truths are not...and will not be...easy to hear.

Even though you might not see anything happening; I can assure you that we are truly in a psychological war of good vs. evil.   Sort of like a game of 5-D chess with moves and countermoves.

Rest assured that there is more happening than you can even imagine.

We have been controlled and manipulated by evil people for many years.

It's time to stand up for America and for our children.

History Will Write the Story

The Best is Yet to Come!

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