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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

A registered nurse speaks out... her own words!

"I'm a registered nurse...I am so pro-vaccine if it is right for you and your health."

"Thank God for Donald Trump! Thank God for Donald Trump!"

"In medicine it does not happen if you develop a vaccine in 9 months. It doesn't happen."

"Five; six years eight years maybe, but he with his team, Operation Warp Speed, did a---it was miraculous."

"People not in the medical field don't realize it; they just think things like this happen all the time."

"People were dying, dying, dying! So thank God for Donald Trump!"


I am astounded that a registered nurse who sees people dying and knows the fact that a vaccine takes longer than nine (9) months to develop still blindly takes the vaccine and a booster and keeps quiet. We have a long way to go to get through to some people.

What if I told you that Operation Warp Speed was not for the development of a vaccine to fight COVID?

What if I told you it was a covert military operation to take down the cabal?

There was/is no Covid pandemic. The only pandemic was the intended use of 5g for mind control; vaccines (experimental drugs); ventilators; and Remdesivir to kill a weakened population (depopulation), along with a bunch of stupid people who thought they could control the world!

COVID is a flu-like illness that 99.7% of the people with no comorbidities survives. The only people possibly needing hospitalization are those with underlying conditions much the same as the yearly flu outbreak.

In short, you are being lied to by the people YOU elected in office; doctors and nurses; and the fake news media. There is BIG money in vaccines and they needed it to effect their New World Order Plan!

Here's the scoop...

The cabal was counting on Hillary being elected president in 2016 which in their mind they believed would give them eight (8) years to put their Agenda 21 Reset into effect.

When she didn't win, they went to Plan the 2020 election at any cost even if it meant committing fraud.

They were planning on releasing the vaccine in 2025 after depopulation was accomplished and they had conditioned the rest of the people to follow their commands. I believe Plan B is now Agenda 2030.

The players involved in this fraud and the fact that it existed was in play YEARS BEFORE TRUMP EVEN TOOK OFFICE!

Did you know that if you voted for Biden, you voted for a man that was already dead?

Yup, Basement BidAn wearing a mask and hiding in his basement for a reason!

President Trump forced them to roll out what they already had way ahead of THEIR schedule.

In doing so, he took away [their] time to properly pull off the Great Reset. The cabal had no choice but to continue on with their plan even though they were not ready.

By Trump and the military steering into it, by using lockdowns and declaring a pandemic, the military was able to disarm the cabal's plans.

Trump never mandated the vaccine; he believes in free choice. Remember, the first vaccine shot was given in mid-December 2020 after the election.

Trump always spoke about Ivermectin and Hydroxychlorine which the cabal and the fake news media poo-pooed, but they actually worked and Trump knew it.

This was an attack on multiple fronts against America and the world to seal the deal where we would never get free in our lifetime..

Under the Trump presidency, the military took down the cabal's plan; it is being unraveled right before our eyes.

Dr. Peter A. McCullough on the Joe Rogan Show

Red Voice Media:

"Nailed It, Hilarious Parody Sums Up Current Insanity For The Greater Good In Under 2 Minutes [VIDEO]

This is excellent and frightening at the same time."

So what is Picente's and Hochul's mask mandate accomplishing other than promoting FEAR and division?

Why are people allowing their children to be forced to wear a mask and/or take an experimental drug?

Why would our state and local government want to do that is the question that keeps me up at night!

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