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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Words of wisdom from Lin Wood:

Wake Up, America.

This is not rocket science.

A rigged election is a rigged election.

Stop the errant nonsense about picking the right candidate, raising enough money, and getting out the vote in large numbers.

The enemy will keep cheating wherever and whenever the enemy chooses. If we don’t expose the enemy and TRUTH, the enemy will keep cheating.

A rigged election is a rigged election.

Face the TRUTH.

FIX 2020 or surrender this country to the Communists and their cronies.

Stop fooling yourselves.

The enemy is laughing at us.

A rigged election is a rigged election.

The California recall vote to remove Newsome was a joke. Just like the 2020 November election, it was rigged by the cabal. They are so stupid!

Patriots were watching...

Look how easy it is to see how a California Recall Election voter filled out their mail-in ballot. It's not rocket science!

Which mail-in ballots do you think were shredded before they were even counted?

Benny Johnson from Newsmax reported:

Someone explain to me why the Gavin Newsom recall effort had 351K votes DELETED from the YES total LIVE on CNN.

What explanation is there for this?

We need to know. Hundreds of thousands of votes subtracted.

It’s not unbelievable if you watch it happen with your own eyes:


Up to the 54 seconds marker in the video, the 'YES' votes are 2,225,915; then after the 54 second marker, the 'YES' votes are only 1,874,206!

How does that happen; since when do vote counts get reduced as the vote count is going on?

This was being reported by CNN; they are fake news just like all the other television news stations.

Lin Wood is right; we have to correct the 2020 election before we can move on. There needs to be an audit in each and every state...NOW!

Several states are in the process of auditing the 2020 November election.

I have been told that New York State politicians were contacted by Seth Keshel, former Army Captain, Military Intelligence who tagged Oneida County and a few other counties as a "Crime Kingpin" for rampant election fraud.
Add to that, the fact that the majority of the other counties are tagged as "Suspect/Moderate fraud" makes it absolutely necessary for an audit to take place!

Why are New York politicans not making their voices heard about the fraud and demanding an audit of the November 2020 election???

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