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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Way Down We Go...

Scotty mar10 - Posted September 22, 2024

X-Ecutioners - Its Going Down
Scotty mar10 - Posted September 23, 2024

FOZZY - Spotlight
Scotty mar10 - Posted September 24, 2024

Special Report! Global Awakening to ADRENOCHROME: The Dark Secret of the Elite
Adrenochrome, also known as C9H9NO3, is a chemical compound produced from the oxidation of adrenaline. It has long been suspected to be the drug of choice for the global elite, used in ritualistic abuse to extract maximum power. It's been linked to Project MKUltra and secret government experiments, and today it fuels the satanic cabal that seeks to dominate the world.

The elite harvest adrenochrome through the torture of children. By creating intense trauma, they maximize adrenaline production, extracting it while the victim is still alive. Children are held captive, repeatedly tortured, and their adrenochrome is harvested again and again, before being sacrificed in satanic rituals. This isn't science fiction—it's the dark reality hiding behind closed doors.

Tying into Pedogate, uncovered by the DOJ, the elites kidnap children and traffic them worldwide to fuel their rituals. Adrenochrome is most potent in children, whose fear and trauma release heightened levels of adrenaline. Missing children? 460,000+ go missing in the U.S. each year, but the FBI hides the truth, covering up for the Luciferian elites.

The Zionist agenda plays a major role. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict creates a steady supply of victims, especially children, who are used for organ harvesting and adrenochrome extraction. The Zionists don't want peace because war ensures an endless source of terrified children for their sick rituals.

The Black Eye Club—a mysterious group of elites seen with black eyes—points to their participation in these satanic rituals. Politicians, celebrities, and world leaders have shown up with these injuries, which symbolize their role in the adrenochrome-addicted society.

The elite believe adrenochrome gives them power and immortality, a source of dark magic passed down through the ages. This carefully kept secret has been part of their rituals for centuries. They control the media, the governments, and society, ensuring the truth remains hidden.

But the storm is rising. The truth will be exposed, and we must wake up before it’s too late. It’s time to take action and reveal the darkness.
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Julian Assange


This man talks about the moment he believed Donald Trump was racist…
MJTruth - Posted September 22, 2024



They don't silence us because we spread disinformation. They silence us because we dig up everything they've worked so hard to hide.

~ The 17th Letter ~

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