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Saturday, October 12, 2024

We Have It ALL...

Stick Figure - "Above the Storm"
Scotty mar10 - Posted October 10, 2024

Funkadelic - One Nation Under a Groove
Scotty mar10 - Posted October 9, 2024

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We're going to have to call "Tampon Tim" by a new name. How about "Touchdown Timmy"???

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


FYI - Coinkydink is a less-known jocular modification of the term “Coincidence”, used in a humorous manner, when reflecting upon moments of causation and correlation.


From Str1ker...
🟨 Q drop #3414 states:
“ONLY ANONS can fully appreciate the continued 'validation(s)/confirmation(s) thru covert' (series of mathematically impossible coincidences) means in order to maintain structural integrity”

This video shows more of the endless proof that Trump is directly connected to the Military and the Q Operation.

As we move further into events that will confuse us all and challenge our faith in what’s happening before us, I ask a simple question.

Do you trust President Trump?

Do you trust our Military?

If the answers to those questions are both yes, then not matter how implausible, no matter how challenging and non matter how difficult the events are, then the best IS yet to come.

Please consider following @aanon55, the creator of this video on X

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Yeah! Does it sound at all familiar????

Imagine Dragons - Bad Liar
Scotty mar10 - Posted October 7, 2024

Speaking about the border disaster...

If you participate in assisting with this in any way shape or form.. you are a traitor to the country as well. These people need to lose their jobs and some.

San Antonio, Texas Police Dept. personnel


TOOL - AEnema
Scotty mar10 - Posted October 8, 2024

Revealed! Diddy and Epstein Used the Getty Museum’s Underground Bunkers for Human Trafficking and Sex Parties!

The revelations about Diddy’s involvement in human trafficking and exploitation are more horrifying than initially suspected. New information paints Diddy not only as an enabler but as a key orchestrator of a network disturbingly similar to Jeffrey Epstein's operations.

Diddy played a central role in organizing sex parties, recruiting vulnerable victims, and trafficking them to elite circles, including hidden locations like the underground complex beneath the Getty Museum. His arrest in September 2024 followed federal raids on his properties, uncovering illegal weapons and insidious activities.

The indictment against Diddy includes charges of racketeering, sex trafficking by force, and transporting individuals for exploitation. He believed he could use his wealth and power to escape accountability, just like Epstein.

Witness testimonies revealed elaborate "Freak Off" parties hosted in underground chambers at the Getty. These weren’t just parties—they were masked trafficking operations where victims were drugged and subjected to abuse by Diddy and other elites. The victims, often young women and children, were deceived with promises of business opportunities or exclusive events, only to be funneled into a dark network of abuse.

Leaked documents indicate that Diddy kept detailed video footage of these horrific acts—used to blackmail both victims and participants. According to sources, IV fluids were administered after these parties to help victims recover, a chilling echo of Epstein's methods.

The latest charges against Diddy include over 120 new allegations of sexual assault and trafficking, implicating not just Diddy, but a network of enablers. One shocking allegation names Diddy's chief of staff as playing a role akin to Ghislaine Maxwell's—recruiting victims under false promises.

Disturbingly, links have been found between Diddy and Epstein’s underground activities at the Getty. Epstein’s use of the Getty Museum's subterranean levels for trafficking is no longer a secret, and Diddy was a frequent collaborator, providing "shipments" of victims who were taken to these underground chambers.

Diddy’s arrogance—believing himself untouchable—mirrored Epstein’s belief that wealth could shield him from justice. But with Diddy's recent arrest, the curtain is being pulled back on just how extensive this network really is. Investigations have uncovered a vast array of collaborators, from celebrities attending these parties to handlers managing logistics.

The Getty Museum, once seen as an innocent cultural landmark, is now exposed as a nexus for trafficking—a fortress of horror shielding the crimes of the powerful. It's clear that the Getty is more than an art museum; it's a nucleus of trafficking where the powerful indulge their darkest urges with impunity.

As the truth about Diddy, Epstein, and their cohorts comes to light, it becomes undeniable that these institutions of power are fronts for human suffering. The underground city beneath the Getty is not just a haven for the elite; it’s a place of torment for the voiceless, hidden beneath layers of art and culture that serve as a smokescreen for their crimes.

Diddy’s arrest is a step in the right direction, but it’s not enough. The entire network must be dismantled, and the fortress of secrets beneath the Getty must be torn down. The victims deserve justice, and the world deserves the truth—no matter how dark it may be.

The elite’s days of hiding behind their wealth and influence are numbered. The truth will come crashing down on them.

Subscribe for more:

Nesara Gesara - Secrets 

Investigate the GETTY MUSEUM, a pedophile fortress with more than 12 floors underground.

Two million women & children were there till 2018.

There are elevators & practically a city down below with thousands of sex slaves. Only people on the “A LIST” can walk all over this place. The elevators lead to a tunnel system. It is guarded with high security.

It is a hell created within another hell!

Epstein Island is just the tip of the iceberg.

Welcome to reality!

David Wilcock

Before I forget {wink, wink}, why don't I just leave a few things here...

Barbara Bush... a man!!!

Lin Wood

Some people claim [s]he is a citizen because [s]he was born on US soil but the truth speaks otherwise regardless of the arguments or legal jump rope pundits spin with.

The 14th Amendment, the 12th Amendment, and Article 2 are quite clear when it comes to citizenship and presidential qualifications.

No court decision can legally usurp these three things set in stone in our Constitution without a new amendment which rewrites or revises the law.

Marbury v Madison renders any court decision short of a new amendment null and void as they would be in stark contrast and repugnant to the law of the land (US Constitution).

[S]he was not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” when born of two foreign students who whisked her off to Canada to raise her for a while. There honestly is no debate with this.

[S]he is not, has never been, and without naturalization papers, will never be a legal US citizen therefore not qualified to be president, vice president, or any other elected or appointed position in the chain of succession.

Her [His] willful usurpation of our laws could easily be considered treasonous yet here we are once again entertaining what is simply unlawful.

WAKEY, WAKEY PEOPLE...the Best Is Yet To Come!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Are you paying attention yet???

Stealers Wheel - Stuck in middle with you
Scotty mar10 - Posted October 1, 2024

Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence
Scotty mar10 - Posted October 2, 2024

Use your own judgement as to whether or not you wish to watch the following video on Pizzagate!!

Glenn Frey - The Heat Is On
Scotty mar10 - Posted October 2, 2024


This video is dedicated to all the digital warriors that have been a part of the movement fighting for justice and God’s will.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The World Isn't What You Think It Is...

Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Californication
Scotty mar10 - Posted September 28, 2024

Dire Straits - Money for Nothing
Scotty mar10 - Posted September 30, 2024

NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Organization) is the biggest threat to world peace.

It openly uses lies in order to achieve its aims in destabilising the world to gain control.


It’s about to go DOWN!!!
Rich Lopp - Posted September 27, 2024


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Way Down We Go...

Scotty mar10 - Posted September 22, 2024

X-Ecutioners - Its Going Down
Scotty mar10 - Posted September 23, 2024

FOZZY - Spotlight
Scotty mar10 - Posted September 24, 2024

Special Report! Global Awakening to ADRENOCHROME: The Dark Secret of the Elite
Adrenochrome, also known as C9H9NO3, is a chemical compound produced from the oxidation of adrenaline. It has long been suspected to be the drug of choice for the global elite, used in ritualistic abuse to extract maximum power. It's been linked to Project MKUltra and secret government experiments, and today it fuels the satanic cabal that seeks to dominate the world.

The elite harvest adrenochrome through the torture of children. By creating intense trauma, they maximize adrenaline production, extracting it while the victim is still alive. Children are held captive, repeatedly tortured, and their adrenochrome is harvested again and again, before being sacrificed in satanic rituals. This isn't science fiction—it's the dark reality hiding behind closed doors.

Tying into Pedogate, uncovered by the DOJ, the elites kidnap children and traffic them worldwide to fuel their rituals. Adrenochrome is most potent in children, whose fear and trauma release heightened levels of adrenaline. Missing children? 460,000+ go missing in the U.S. each year, but the FBI hides the truth, covering up for the Luciferian elites.

The Zionist agenda plays a major role. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict creates a steady supply of victims, especially children, who are used for organ harvesting and adrenochrome extraction. The Zionists don't want peace because war ensures an endless source of terrified children for their sick rituals.

The Black Eye Club—a mysterious group of elites seen with black eyes—points to their participation in these satanic rituals. Politicians, celebrities, and world leaders have shown up with these injuries, which symbolize their role in the adrenochrome-addicted society.

The elite believe adrenochrome gives them power and immortality, a source of dark magic passed down through the ages. This carefully kept secret has been part of their rituals for centuries. They control the media, the governments, and society, ensuring the truth remains hidden.

But the storm is rising. The truth will be exposed, and we must wake up before it’s too late. It’s time to take action and reveal the darkness.
Join and share my channel immediately:
Julian Assange


This man talks about the moment he believed Donald Trump was racist…
MJTruth - Posted September 22, 2024



They don't silence us because we spread disinformation. They silence us because we dig up everything they've worked so hard to hide.

~ The 17th Letter ~

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Way Down We Go....

Kendrick Lamar - Not Like Us
Scotty mar10 - Posted September 18, 2024

John Lennon - Instant Karma
Scotty mar10 - Posted September 19, 2024

Journey - Don't Stop Believin'
Scotty mar10 - Posted September 19, 2024

So, who is Liam?

il Donaldo Trumpo - Posted September 12, 2024

The Ultimate Red Pill: Trump Signals Green Light—His ‘Mistakes’ Are Secret Codes in a Covert Military Operation to Dismantle the Deep State!The Ultimate Red Pill: Trump Signals Green Light—His ‘Mistakes’ Are Secret Codes in a Covert Military Operation to Dismantle the Deep State!

Donald Trump isn’t just a political leader—he’s the spearhead of the most critical operation in human history. Everything you’ve been told by the media is a lie. Trump is part of a global military intelligence alliance with one mission: to dismantle the deep state—a shadow government controlling every major event in history.

You think Trump made “mistakes”? Think again. Every decision he made, every so-called fumble, was calculated. A strategic masterpiece that makes ordinary politics look like a sideshow. Trump’s appointments? Part of the plan. Fauci, Wray, Barr—they’re all pawns in a game bigger than anyone can imagine. Each one placed under the microscope to expose the deep state from the inside.

Wray? Not a failed FBI Director but a sleeper agent. When he goes down, it will spark a chain reaction that will blow the lid off the FBI’s corruption. Fauci? He’s the fall guy for a global scheme involving Big Pharma, the WHO, and the CDC. The pandemic wasn’t a surprise—it was planned. And Trump, with Operation Warp Speed, forced the deep state to act prematurely, saving millions from their ultimate agenda. The saline shots? A countermeasure to dilute the real damage while waking the masses to the truth.

And Biden? The man you see isn’t real. A puppet, a stand-in, a literal actor wearing a mask, controlled by the elites. Biden’s inconsistencies, his strange behavior—it’s because the real one is long gone. What we are witnessing is an illusion, orchestrated by the deep state but controlled by white hats. Kamala Harris? Pelosi? Both compromised, both playing roles in the collapse of the shadow government.

The media? Every word is scripted, every story a fabrication to keep you in fear. Trump exposed them for what they are—a mouthpiece of the deep state. Now, the final act of this battle is upon us. Military intelligence isn’t just fighting on this plane. They have tech far beyond our comprehension—anti-gravity, cloaking my channel immediately:
devices, energy sources that break the rules of physics.

This is the moment of truth. When the veil lifts, it will be the greatest revelation in history. We are on the edge of victory, and the deep state is in its death throes. Stay awake, stay vigilant, and trust that the patriots behind Trump have already won the battle for humanity.

Join and share 
Julian Assange



FOLLOW - Vincent Kennedy

KALEO - Way Down We Go (Official Music Video)